Sharon Muzio
Sharon owns and operates Alta View Wellness Center. She has extensive bodywork experience, as well as, practicing critical care and rehabilitative nursing since 1979. She is an aroma therapist, and a Reiki Master Practitioner. She practices Shamanic Healing coupled with Reiki. She facilitates monthly Shamanic Meditation Circles to empower womyn of all ages. She has several certifications in specialty bodywork, including Prenatal Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Facial Refloxogy, Traditional Reflexology, and Myofacial Release. She has studied various movement modalities and has incorporated these techniques in her corrective myotherapy sessions.
She serves as a volunteer for the National Massage Boards Ethics and Standards Committee. She teaches NCBTMB Certified Continuing Education Classes. See the list of Advanced Seminars for a full description. She is the creator of the Spirit OF Oneness Holistic Expo, an annual holistic event that takes place the first week end of October at the Zembo Shrine. Sharon has a private Mentorship Practice for Holistic Practitioners, interested in developing their Practices. She is available for Speaking Engagements as well.